Furniture Manufacturing & Cabinet Making
- Improve lacquer quality and minimise costly re-works by reducing the risk of contaminants (oil, water and particulate matter) in your air lines
- Optimise air system performance and reduce your associated energy bills by ensuring that your air filtration system is fit for purpose, is properly maintained and has no critical air leaks
- Ensure employees have safe, breathable air that is free of dust and other dangerous contaminants such as isocyanate paints, timber finishes and noxious dust typically found in furniture manufacturing and cabinet making

Complete Compressed Air Systems Turn-Key Furniture Manufacturing & Cabinet Making Solutions Include:
- Routine air quality testing with a certificate of compliance to AS1715:2009
- Replace air filter elements used to filter oil, water, dust, particulates and odour
- Supply air-fed masks, filter elements, air hoses, dust masks, canister masks, spare parts and consumables to suit
- Supply and install portable dust extraction units
- Design, supply, install, service and maintain compressed air systems
- Compressor sales, service, air line installs and factory fit outs
- Onsite air system training
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) supply
- Air leak detection